Labor Day Chat Ride - 9/5/2022
Please come join us this Monday, September 5th, for our traditional Labor Day chat ride.
Ride leaves at 8:00 am from Bank of America parking lot, on Lake Mary Blvd, near I-4 (4501 W Lake Mary Blvd, Lake Mary, FL 32746). Same location we start on Saturdays.
Route is 35 miles. Pace is constant effort 20 mph. Meaning if you are going uphill, or if we get a headwind, bring it down to 18 mph.
Easy rollouts after each turn or stop, so it doesn't get yo-yo'ey in the back of the group. This means front riders roll at 16 mph for a minute, and everyone else please don't leave any gaps.
SAG Stop is at mile 14.2 at the 7-Eleven, located at 839 Debary Ave, Deltona, FL 32725.
Note: There is a segment we will have to get on the trail after the SAG since they are still fixing the boat ramp on Enterprise - Osteen Rd (lakeside).
No sprints this time. Sorry!
Route is here: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/40807114
Hope to see you there, and Happy Labor Day!
Seminole Cyclists Cycling Club
DISCLAIMER: You are advised that you ride at your own risk. Organizers, proponents and participants of this ride claim no liability or responsibility for the actions of individuals participating in this ride, nor of individuals on foot or in motorized vehicles. Participants are responsible for their own safety and behavior in relation to other participants, drivers of vehicles, and the law. Bicycling is a hazardous sport and is a means of transport undertaken at your own risk. Please wear a helmet, obey all traffic signals and please do not wear earphones for our group safety. Participating in this ride constitutes agreement with the above terms and conditions.
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