The Official Membership Platform of the
Signature Saturday Ride
The Seminole Cyclists offer several levels of rides to try to accommodate most skill levels.
Marshal will verify who is a member attending the ride. To become a member: Join Us
18-20mph for 34mi
The Saturday BNice ride is the Seminole Cyclists Cycling Club's signature ride. This ride leaves Lake Mary to residential rural Sanford and SFB airport. Winding along scenic Lake Monroe, the last stretch finishes through Heathrow. The ride starts and ends at the Lake Mary Fresh Market parking lot. This ride leaves at 7:30am sharp, starting with the ride call outs for the faster groups and ending with the slower groups.
The BNice group travels a distance of 34mi. Speed cap 18-19mph. B-Nice riders should be able to ride 20 miles without stopping at an endurance pace, know call outs and change flats. The speed caps set are not a hardship number, but realistic expectations of speeds where you may experience a slightly higher or lower speed on that ride. But the general overall pace should fall in line with the pre-set designated speeds.
25+mph for 44mi
Fastest ride in our peleton. Join this if you got the wattage to maintain 25+mph for significant portions of the ride. This ride will test your physical and mental abilities to keep up with this pack! The group leaves Lake Mary to residential and rural SFB airport area. Winding along the East side of scenic Lake Monroe. El Cheapo SAG stop at mile 20 before reaching the last stretch which finishes through Heathrow. The ride starts and ends at the Lake Mary Fresh Market parking lot.
23-24mph for 44mi or 56mi
The Saturday 23-24mph ride is one of the largest Seminole Cyclists rides. This popular ride has high demands of its participants - achieving and maintaining speeds between 23-24mph, obeying safe riding practices, making callouts and being predictable as it makes a trip around Lake Monroe.
21-22mph for 44mi or 56mi
This is a fun filled group that is the level up from the Saturday BStrong ride. This ride leaves Lake Mary to residential rural Sanford and SFB airport. Winding along scenic Lake Monroe, the last stretch finishes through Heathrow. The ride starts and ends at the Lake Mary Fresh Market parking lot. This ride leaves at 7:30am sharp, starting with the ride call outs for the faster groups and ending with the slower groups.
20mph for 34mi or 44mi
This ride is for the BNice folks graduating to a faster pace ride - 20 BStrong. A constant pace of 20mph will test your legs and will test your endurance as it is the next level up from the Saturday BNice ride. This ride leaves Lake Mary to residential rural Sanford and SFB airport. Winding along scenic Lake Monroe, the last stretch finishes through Heathrow. The ride starts and ends at the Lake Mary Fresh Market parking lot. The group may decide to do the 44mi route but will be discussed with the participants beforehand. This ride leaves at 7:30am sharp, starting with the ride call outs for the faster groups and ending with the slower groups.
To become a member: Join Us
To view waiver form: View Waiver
#signaturesaturdayride #freshmarketparkinglot #bnicegroup #25aplusgroup #2324group #2122group #20group #1820group #membersride #seminolecyclists #webuildstrongriders #premiercentralfloridacyclingclub #wildapricotplatform #safetti #architecturalcustomfinishes #bicikletabikeshop #jayconnorsphotography #injuryassistancelaw #beardedbikedoc #williamscompany #melbernsteinteam #trekbikeshop #velocitybikefit #ecoglass
Sunday Breakfast Ride
This ride starts and ends at Colonial Town Park's parking lot near the AmStar theater. Sleep in, YES, but be ready to roll at 8:00am sharp. Join after the ride for breakfast at Foxtail Café.
Sunday Breakfast ride leaves Heathrow AmStar Theater parking lot - the first part of the ride travels out as one group towards Sanford’s Oregon Trail and Orange Blvd, then makes its way back to the shady clear roads of Markham Woods. From there, the front of the group may take a faster pace - so be ready to hang on.
The second part of the ride continues its pace-line back towards Heathrow via Markham Woods Rd with an option to go longer through the hilly Mandarin subdivision and a sprint finish through the subdivision. Re-group to continue on with the ride.
The ride takes a sprint pace down Lake Emma Rd and finishes it's final sprints down Rinehart Rd back to the AmStar Theater. This ride is not designated for novices.
Marshal will verify who is a member attending the ride.
To become a member: Join Us To view waiver form: View Waiver
#sundaybreakfastride #amstartheaterparkinglot #2223group #membersride #seminolecyclists #webuildstrongriders #premiercentralfloridacyclingclub #wildapricotplatform #safetti #architecturalcustomfinishes #bicikletabikeshop #jayconnorsphotography #injuryassistancelaw #beardedbikedoc #williamscompany #melbernsteinteam #trekbikeshop #velocitybikefit #ecoglass
Festive Tuesday Night RideBrought to you by our featured sponsors BICIKleta Bike Shop and TREK Bike Shop. Our Recovery Chat Ride will play theme music during the ride - let's rock and roll at 6:30pm. It is considered a recovery ride from the weekend’s more intense riding at 20+mph and is intended to keep a 18-20mph pace with a sense of enjoying the ride without the focus on maintaining a certain pace.
The last 4miles is a sprint to get back to the park once the peleton reaches Ronald Reagan Blvd. Marshal will make sure group is aware of the sprint prior to launching!
This ride has a starting time at 6:30pm from Reiter Park in downtown Longwood. After the ride we will head to PaPa Bs off of Ronald Reagan Blvd to celebrate a fun and festive ride!
Marshal will verify who is a member attending the ride.To become a member: Join Us
#festivetuesdaynightride #reiterpark #1820group #recoveryride #lightson #membersride #seminolecyclists #webuildstrongriders #premiercentralfloridacyclingclub #wildapricotplatform #safetti #architecturalcustomfinishes #bicikletabikeshop #jayconnorsphotography #injuryassistancelaw #beardedbikedoc #williamscompany #melbernsteinteam #trekbikeshop #velocitybikefit #ecoglass
BBDWAM Wednesday Morning Ride
Join us at Foxtail Coffee Parking Lot in Sanford for the Wednesday Ride to Osteen. We have 2 levels of rides to choose: 1) Espresso (23-26mph) and 2) Americano (18-20mph). Both rides start and end at the Foxtail Coffee parking Lot. Your quads will be pumping from the get go to finish the 32mile route!
We travel through the scenic North Lake Monroe route on Enterprise road to the infamous El Cheapo gas station SAG. From there, both groups make their way around Lake Monroe, traveling down SR415 and then through the Sanford Marina back to Foxtail Coffee parking lot.
Riders should know the route and be capable of rolling at 22-25 mph (and able to close a gap at 23-26).
#bbdwam #wednesdaymorningride #foxtailparkinglot #2326group #1820group #membersride #seminolecyclists #webuildstrongriders #premiercentralfloridacyclingclub #wildapricotplatform #safetti #architecturalcustomfinishes #bicikletabikeshop #jayconnorsphotography #injuryassistancelaw #beardedbikedoc #williamscompany #melbernsteinteam #trekbikeshop #velocitybikefit #ecoglass
Thursday Night GatorByte Ride
The weekly GatorByte rolls again tonight at 6:30PM. Are you in?
A nice, easy mid-week ~20mile ride. Come join the group. We leave from the church parking lot on the corner of Dike Road and Tuscawilla Road. We return before 8PM. 4500 Dike Road, Winter Park, FL. 32792
#thursdaynightgatorbyteride #tuskawillaanddikerd #1820group #2124group #lightson #membersride #seminolecyclists #webuildstrongriders #premiercentralfloridacyclingclub #wildapricotplatform #safetti #architecturalcustomfinishes #bicikletabikeshop #jayconnorsphotography #injuryassistancelaw #beardedbikedoc #williamscompany #melbernsteinteam #trekbikeshop #velocitybikefit #ecoglass
Friday Save Your Legs For Saturday RideBrought to you by our featured sponsors Injury Assistance Law Firm and Williams Company This TGIF weekly ride starts and ends at Colonial Town Park parking lot near the Amstar theater. Friday 07:30am sharp rolling start time. We meet at Papa Joe's parking lot. The same as TNT and WWW. All welcome. WWW route.
20-22mph pace means 20-22. No sprints. Why? Read the event name. Don’t camp out on the front. After a mile or shorter, rotate out when safe.
The group stops at the light on International and 417 both ways. The group also stops for school buses. No shaving of legs during/before/after the ride is necessary! Ride marshal will verify all riders have signed the waiver prior to the ride start. View Waiver
#fridaysaveyourlegsride #amstartheaterparkinglot #20-22pace #membersride #seminolecyclists #webuildstrongriders #premiercentralfloridacyclingclub #wildapricotplatform #safetti #architecturalcustomfinishes #bicikletabikeshop #jayconnorsphotography #injuryassistancelaw #beardedbikedoc #williamscompany #melbernsteinteam #trekbikeshop #velocitybikefit #ecoglass
Wrong Way Wednesday Ride
Brought to you by our sponsor Williams Company
One of our most popular rides of the week has a carnival type atmosphere! For good reason! This social ride event sees the peloton burn off some calories as it visits the nearby province of Markham Woods subdivisions, but then gains them back with pizza and beer at Papa Joe's after the ride! Come get a slice of cycling fun this Wednesday!
This midweek ride starts and ends at Colonial Town Park parking lot near the Amstar theater. Wrong Way Wednesday offers several ride levels from a constant 20mph to a constant 22mph pace with a rolling start time at 6pm - 960 Colonial Grand Ln, Lake Mary, FL 32746.
2 Groups::
1. B pace (20 mph). Rolling pace is 20 mph. Maximum speed is 20 mph, not 20.5 mph.
2. B+ pace (22 mph). Rolling pace is 22 mph. Maximum speed is 22 mph, not 22.5 mph.
Distance for both groups is 22 miles but the B+ will do 2 laps inside Foxspur neighborhood.
There are only 2 designated sprint points, up Sylvan Lake Rd (on the way back), with a short regroup at the Stop sign on top of the hill. The second designated sprint point starts from the final turn on to International Parkway to the AmStar theater entrance. Sprints are for both groups, but please keep it safe. Watch if cars are coming, call it out when you are going around someone (On Your Left), if you can't hold the pace, tap out, and NO crossing the double yellow line!
After the ride, we will hang out at Papa Joe's for some recovery drinks and pizza.
#wrongwaywednesdayride #amstartheater #20group #22group #membersride #seminolecyclists #webuildstrongriders #premiercentralfloridacyclingclub #wildapricotplatform #safetti #architecturalcustomfinishes #bicikletabikeshop #jayconnorsphotography #injuryassistancelaw #beardedbikedoc #williamscompany #melbernsteinteam #trekbikeshop #velocitybikefit #ecoglass
2025 Tour de Cure - Lake Nona - 03/30/2025 On March 30th 2025, by signing up with the premier central Florida team - SEMINOLE Cyclists, we will ride together as one:
To sign up on the Tour de Cure team register at this link: Sign up with Team Seminole Cyclists for TdC 2025
Join with SEMINOLE Cyclists in 2025 - this is our year - we plan on having an exciting Lake Nona fundraising event!
#tourdecure2025 #tourdecureatlakenona #membersride #seminolecyclists #webuildstrongriders #premiercentralfloridacyclingclub #tdclakenona #pureptphysicaltherapy #trekbikeshop #williamscompany #injuryassistancelawfirm #bicikletabikeshop #beardedbikedoc #customarchitecturalfinishes #ecoglass #inflictingfitness #jayconnorsphotography
Hollerbach's Radler Day Bike Ride - featuring Stiegel June 21st is National Radler Day! "Radler" means "Cyclist" in German and is also a delicious German bier/soda mix. We are celebrating by combining the two in Historic Downtown Sanford.
These groups have the option to SAG at mile 19 at the WaWa on Ronald Reagan before crossing 17/92., or at mile 28.50 at the Marathon Gas station, on Lake Mary Blvd and SR 46.
For a more leisurely ride, join Bicikleta Bike Shop's Sanford Saturday Social Ride.
**MPH is based on the average pace 13 - 15mph for 28 miles 16-18mph for 28 miles
After the ride, join us at Hollerbach's German Restaurant to celebrate Radler Day! There will be giveaways sponsored by Stiegl Beer and all ride participants get a Stiegl Radler draft beer at Hollerbach's!
Limited edition event jerseys will be given out to riders at Hollerbach. Limited quantities are available - must participate in the ride and post-ride celebration.
Bike racks are available in front of Bicikleta Bike Shop and Hollerbach to secure your bikes after the ride. Locks are still recommended.
Adults only, please. It will be Wunderbar! See you there!
2025 Tour de France - July 5th 2025 The 2025 Tour de France will be the 112th edition of the race. It will start in Lille Metropole, France on July 5th and finish in Paris' Champs-Elysee, France on July 27.
When local daylight time is about to reach Sunday, November 2, 2025, 2:00:00 am clocks are turned backward 1 hour to Sunday, November 2, 2025, 1:00:00 am local standard time instead.
Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on Nov 2, 2025 than the day before. There will be more light in the morning.
Also called Fall Back and Winter Time.
Copyright © Seminole Cyclists 2025
Email: Website: seminolecyclists.wildapricot.orgBoard Members: Tony Dominguez, PresidentJacobo Badia, VPMargarita Calderon, VPLee Lerner, VPLaurie Menter, VPMichael Mercilliot, VPGregory Miller, VP