Bike Swap Meet - June 10th, 2023
On Saturday, June 10th 2023, our club will be having its first official "Ride - Bike Swap Meet", to help us fund-raise for the Florida United Methodist Children's Home. This is the children's home which we ride by every Saturday and Wednesdays on Lakeshore drive, north side of Lake Monroe, right where the sewer grate is on the corner of the turn, red brick building.
There is no registration, no packet pickup, no nothing, you just have to be a current dues-paying Seminole Cyclists member.
For this special event, we will be starting our Saturday Morning Signature Ride from Tin & Taco, not far from our regular start. We will do the same group levels as we do on our Saturday ride, and our route will be almost the same, with the only difference that once we leave Tin & Taco we will make a right out of the parking lot, then make a right on SR 46A (HE Thomas Pkwy), cross I-4, and make another right on Rinehart Rd. Once on Rinehart Rd, we will continue down the road to connect to Greenwood Blvd, and then follow our regular Saturday Morning route. On the way back, we will finish where we started, at Tin & Taco.
The Bike Swap Meet will be also held here, from 11 AM to 3 PM. During the event, we will have a fund-raising raffle for a Foundry cross/gravel bike donated by one of our sponsors (Thank you, Mel Bernstein). $10 per raffle ticket.
And if you want to have a table to sell your bike stuff, there is no cost, just please let us know via email: seminolecyclists@gmail.com
If you want to make a donation to the children’s home before the event, you can do so by clicking this link: Donations for Children's Home
1117 International Pkwy #1701 Lake Mary, FL 32746
7:15 AM Pre-ride Announcements
7:30 AM Roll Out by Speed Groups
11:00 AM Bike Swap Meet starts
2:00 PM Bike Raffle ($10 per ticket)
3:00 PM Hang out at Tin & Taco
#scccbikeswapmeet #childrenshomefundraiser #floridaunitedmethodistchildrenshome #tinandtacoparkinglot #rideandswap
#seminolecyclists #webuildstrongriders #premiercentralfloridacyclingclub #architecturalcustomfinishes #bicikletabikeshop #jayconnorsphotography #beardedbikedoc #trekbikeshop #injuryassistancelaw #melbernsteinteam #williamscompany #velocitybikefit #ecoglass