It's the 2023 Tony Awards! Saturday, August 19th, 2023, at 5:00 PM.
Party will be at the Lake Mary Venue, located at 780 North Sun Dr., Lake Mary, FL 32746.
Potluck (make your favorite dish to share), and BYOB (beer and wine only. No hard liquor).
Music by: Running with Scissors (Thank you, Rob Winter and friends).
Dress code: Smart Casual (No T's, nor shorts). Dress for success!
It will be a special evening to celebrate those cyclists that have shown above and beyond passion and love for the great sport of cycling, and for our club.
So get your dancing shoes ready, and come have a great time with great friends!
Note: If you are not yet a paid Seminole Cyclists member, now is the time to join, as members enter for free to the party. Anyone else, we will be collecting a $10 donation at the door.
And if you want to help with the setup and tear down, please let Tony know. Thank you!
#seminolecyclists #webuildstrongriders#tonyawards #cyclistoftheyear #premiercentralfloridacyclingclub #architecturalcustomfinishes #bicikletabikeshop #jayconnorsphotography #beardedbikedoc #trekbikeshop #injuryassistancelaw #melbernsteinteam #williamscompany #velocitybikefit #ecoglass