2024 Holiday Party - December 7th, 2024
You are cordially invited to the 2024 Seminole Cyclists Holiday Party!
Bring your favorite dish to share and BYOB (Bring Your Own Beverage - Beer and/or Wine only).
Party starts at 5 PM on Saturday, December 7th, and ends at 9 PM sharp. As every year, we will have a silent auction and raffle for cool items donated by our sponsors. Money raised will go toward the Seminole Cyclists' Tour de Cure Fundraising for 2025.
This year's Holiday party will have several amazing silent auction items. Provided by sponsors and cycling members, these items will be up for bidding once the party starts! So, get in on the auction fun and win something awesome!
If you would like to help with the setup and decorations, please let us know.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Seminole Cyclists Cycling Club, Inc.
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